Sunday, 26 June 2016

Dawson Creek to Grande Prarie (Alberta)

We had a really short ride this morning, only 130km! The leg from Dawson Creek to Jasper would have been over 500km, so we decided to take a short day today to break things up.

We're officially out of British Columbia and now in Alberta and are definitely in the Prairies now, lots of flat land, grain plantations and agriculture. Every farm seems to have a fracking well on it though, just like home. I guess that tech is never going back in the box.

Easy riding though -  great big wide straight roads.

I manage to hit a pot hole the size of a bathtub, I thought I had popped a tyre is hit so hard, but no vibrations (indicating a damaged rim) and no warnings on the Dash to indicate a puncture. (the bike has tyre pressure monitoring)

There are loads of bugs around, they hit your visor and splat everywhere. yellow guts with flapping wings stuck in it.

It is all just sun sun sun at the moment, although I caught of what I think are the Storms from yesterday on the Horizon, although they should be about 300km away by now.

Unless they are following us..... hmmm.

I am still amazed that 2 out of 3 vehicles on the road are Trucks. I am quite taken with the massive ones... especially the Ford F-350 crew cabs. I think I might have to buy an 80's model one when I get home and just go full redneck :)

Welcome to Alberta!

Big Sky, Big Roads, Big Fields.

Storms are sentient I swear. And they hold a grudge.

This truck is the shit!
Some of them have massive turbos and sound awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Just do it! (and buy one) ;)

    Thanks for the posts so far, really enjoying it and wishing I was there (bug guts and all!)
