Saturday, 9 July 2016

Ely to Alamo

Another short day today  - only 240km but we did some amazing riding through the desert! and no roadworks!

It was also quite warm, topping out at 37 degrees at one stage.

Apart from nearly hitting a bird, it was a fairly uneventful ride.

The desert looks amazing and we are having to make sure we stay properly hydrated, the heat and especially the 120km/h wind dehydrate you before you know it.

We rode mainly through wide open plains with some small mountains and rocky outcrops in the distance, but on one occasion, we rode through and amazing rocky small canyon

We are now in a tiny town called Alamo in the middle of now-where. There are a couple of Motels and a servo/supermarket and that's pretty much it.

Vegas tomorrow! We managed to get a good deal on two nights at the Palazzo Hotel in a King Suite.

Not sure what the level of judgement will be when we turn up there in bike gear, and the porter takes our dead-bug encrusted luggage upstairs. It will  be mildly embarrassing.

If I feel that I'm being judged, condescended to or anything else I see as a 'diss' from the staff - I may just have to deal out some retribution like take a shit in one of the pot plants (joking)... But I doubt anything will happen though - everybody wants a tip and so is always extra nice.

Were off to a Mexican restaurant down the street for dinner. I'm loving how you can get Mexican food all over the place, it's so hard to come by back home.


  1. Awesome to see you are hitting the hot roads. If you need a place to wash your bikes, you can call James in Vegas. He has a big FJ & is used to cleaning it in the front yard after 4xwheeling. it will be hot from now till August, hope ya'll have some lighter riding gear. Pics look Awesome.

  2. Where's the photos of the Mexican meal? Jealous man.

  3. I'm now craving a solid mexican feed. Forget the pot plant, just do a turd in the hallway (like that dickhead footy player did at crowne plaza a few years back!!!)
