Friday, 22 July 2016

Munroe to Tuscaloosa (Alabama)

The early morning are staring to catch up with us. It was rough getting up this morning, it felt like it was a work day - you know the type - where you would rather lay back in bed and promptly die then have to slide your foot out onto the carpet. It's not just the early mornings I spose, its the heat, dehydration and the long days on the bike. Our legs and arms are really stiff and sore, and we both are just generally buggered and lethargic all the time. I guess its starting to catch up with us! we need to go back to work so we can get some rest :)

First thing we are doing in the morning is turning on the air conditioning, walking outside, it's still dark but already almost 30 degrees. And the humidity just hits you in the face as soon as the door is even cracked open a little!

It was more of the I-20 today - all the way across the rest of Louisiana, across the corner of Mississippi, and into Alabama.

There was some big divided road ways with trees and creeks lining the way. We crossed the Mississippi river which was HUGE and had some people in canoes in it who looked tiny.

We stopped for a drink and a rest at the half way point at a service station, and had a good chat with a guy about the trip and we were treated to his great southern accent! He kept saying "Well that's allright" all the time for some reason.

It was still stupidly hot, but luckily the servo had a cool room for beer in it! the first walk in cool room I had seen all trip. I wasted a good five minutes in there pretending to check the prices of the beer. The only bad part was that then the air conditioning in the servo felt hot when I came out!

We sat in the shade, which didn't seem to make any difference and decided to bite the bullet, put our soaking gear back on and get back to it.  I just couldn't stand around waiting for Megan while she got her gear on and so rode around in circles in the car park trying to get some airflow. A couple of people were looking at me funny, but fuck it.. even a slight tickle of air up your sleeve was like heaven.

We made it to Tuscaloosa just before 12pm, and the guy at the hotel was nice enough to let us check in early. He asked us what the hell possessed us to plan a motorcycle ride this far south in the summer - "because nobody does that you know?" We replied we weren't sure and it seemed like a good idea at the time, and made sense in our heads, but getting down here - it was a whole other story!

We turning north to Georgia tomorrow - hopefully things will get a little cooler, and if not cooler - dryer. Fingers crossed!

Big divided roads, and tall trees

Crossing the Mississippi !

1 comment:

  1. Maybe when people say "sweating like a hog" they are actually referring to harley riders in the south? If you get a chance to go through Kentucky - there are 2 places to get photos of street signs - Beaver lick & Big bone. they exist and are next to each other. Hope it cools off for you a bit as you get a little further north.
